Lamancha Does
We have adored this breed for some time, and finally jumped onto the lamancha train years ago with the addition of Peach and Flower at the gentle urging of our good friends Marshall and Trudy Losey. Tia and Elsa (half sisters) were added a year later, and I couldn't be more pleased with our foundation herd of white beauties. In the fall of 2019 we acquired the beautiful Blackwing herd, and with it a who's who of Lucky*Star and Rockin CB genetics.
I appreciate the lamancha productivity in the milk parlor - rain or shine, our girls could always be counted on in steady production and in butterfat. Our foundation herd has a heavy influence of Kastdemur, Lucky*Star and Rockin-CB in their background, and we strive to continue their excellence through our choice of herd sires. Lamanchas are a purely American breed, developed in the sixties with the first recorded lamanchas bearing the Fay herdname. Tale Of The Ear - - Quixote LaManchas is an enlightening and informative perspective on the breed. Follow the link here |