We whole herd test annually each doe that is due to kid in our herd. Due to the size of the herd we typically test in waves, about one month before her due date. In the past we have tested and been cleared for CAE, Johne's, Brucellosis, Tuberculosis and CL. At this time we have opted to only continue with CAE testing. Any new purchases would be thoroughly vetted before being introduced.
We show and therefore cannot claim "closed herd status", so we feel that it is important to test annually - although we have been continually negative since our beginning in 2009.
All Nubians are G6S normal by either testing or parentage. I run G6S on all of my Nubian herd sires for documentation purposes.
Casein and DNA are also performed on all bucks used for breeding at Tule Creek. Their results are posted on their individual pages.
All of our test results are available upon request.
We publish them on Facebook as well as testing is done throughout the year.
We show and therefore cannot claim "closed herd status", so we feel that it is important to test annually - although we have been continually negative since our beginning in 2009.
All Nubians are G6S normal by either testing or parentage. I run G6S on all of my Nubian herd sires for documentation purposes.
Casein and DNA are also performed on all bucks used for breeding at Tule Creek. Their results are posted on their individual pages.
All of our test results are available upon request.
We publish them on Facebook as well as testing is done throughout the year.